Clyde Prestowitz
President, Economic Strategy Institute
Clyde Prestowitz is President of the Economic Strategy Institute, which has gain an important role in the public policy process, influencing and often defining the terms of the debate in the areas of international trade policy, economic competitiveness and the effects of globalization. Clyde has played key roles in achieving congressional passage of NAFTA and in shaping the final content of the Uruguay Round as well as providing the intellectual basis for current US trade policies toward Japan, China, and Korea. He also served as Counsellor to the Secretary of Commerce in the Reagan Administration where he led US Trade & Investment negotiations with Japan, China, Latin America and Europe. Prior to this, Clyde has served as Vice Chairman of the President’s Committee on Trade and Investment and sits on the Intel Policy Advisory Board and the US Export-Import Bank Advisory Board. He writes for leading publications such as New York Times, Washington Post, Fortune or Foreign Affairs and is the author of best-selling book on US-Japan relations Trading Places and co-author & editor of other books on international trade and business strategy such as Asia After the Miracle, Powernomics, etc. His latest book, The Betrayal of American Prosperity addresses how US can restore his economic leadership and excellence. Clyde has a BA (Swarthmore College), an MA in East-West Policies and Economics (East-West Center of the University of Hawaii) and an MBA (Wharton Graduate School of Business). He also studied at Keio University in Tokyo and is fluent in Japanese, Dutch, German and French.